What is a Trauma Bond?

Have you ever been in a relationship, at work or in your personal life, that made no sense in hindsight? Maybe you endured things that now make you shudder, complied with things that don’t match your values or made excuses for an abuser who you now despise. How...

Trauma and Recovery – The Phases

As previously explored here, trauma creates a tangled mess of emotions, sensations, thoughts and nervous system responses that is confusing, disorienting and can make you feel like you’re broken. You are not. Today I want to begin to answer the question What do...

Healing Trauma – Recalibrating Your Nervous System

The experience of trauma, be it abuse, combat, relational trauma or cult involvement, has a predictable effect on a person’s Central Nervous System (CNS). Experiencing either severe or prolonged threats to your safety (including psychological safety)...

Recovering From Trauma Part 1 – You Are Not Broken

Living inside trauma symptoms can be some kind of twisted nightmare. Everything is upside down, back to front, or just a tangled mess. Small things trigger big reactions you can’t control and there just beneath the surface is a feeling of impending doom. And...